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  • Construction of intellectual property management system

    Intellectual property management system
    Intellectual property strategy planning, intellectual property embedment in the whole process of company operation, intellectual property system process system, intellectual property life cycle management, intellectual property management system standard implementation, intellectual property external resources management, intellectual property asset construction and management

    Risk control compliance management
    Infringement risk assessment, risk prevention and response, e-commerce platform anti-counterfeiting, administrative investigation and support, customs rights protection counseling, exhibition risk screening and response, risk control of external releases, copyright legitimate management, license negotiation support and planning, litigation support and management, friendly business competition product intelligence research and judgment, litigation case management

    Competitive advantage construction
    Intellectual property basic agency, intellectual property comprehensive layout, intellectual property asset planning, intellectual property asset optimization management, intellectual property analysis and evaluation, government projects and award support

    Intellectual property operation value-added
    Public relations strategy support, pre-investigation of operation planning, pledge financing, intellectual property licensing, transformation of industry-university-research results, IP risk control and value-added of enterprise listing, due diligence of restructuring and merger assets, standard integration, patent alliance construction, dispute management

    Construction of trade secret management system

    Construction of the four major systems
    Information risk management and control, physical environment risk management and control, information security education and training, information security protocol design

    Trade secret management
    Enterprise trade secret inventory, effective risk analysis, trade secret management system design, trade secret training and promotion, continuous tracking of management indicators

    Conventional safety management
    Anti-leak, HR security, external security, attack and defense testing

    IT tool management
    Device management, data/storage/disaster recovery management, directory/content management, resource asset management, information security management, daily work management

    Competitive intelligence
    Competitive intelligence Analysis and acquisition Scheme, "Unclassified"

    Legal management system construction

    Daily contract management
    Enterprise contract template library construction, contract drafting and revision, enterprise contract management system/process contract development, dispute negotiation guidance

    Equity structure design
    Enterprise equity structure construction or employee equity incentive related legal issues consulting; Drafting and revising the articles of association, resolutions of the Board of shareholders/Board of directors/Board of supervisors; Draft amendments to shareholder Agreement/Partnership Agreement/Equity Transfer Agreement

    Receivables management
    High-risk arrears legal collection, sales/financial collection skills training, enterprise accounts receivable management system development, accounts receivable management tools provided

    Labor and employment management
    Formulate employee manual, draft and revise important labor and employment legal documents, formulate enterprise awareness management system, and negotiate and guide labor disputes

    Guard against internal corruption
    Implementation of clean employment measures for sensitive internal positions, anti-internal corruption publicity and training, formulation of enterprise anti-internal corruption management system, and handling guidance for employees' embezzlement of company property/bribery cases

    Emergency response
    To guide and coordinate enterprises to deal with government investigations, administrative penalties, tax planning, major disputes, malicious competition and other emergencies

    Legal management system construction

    Science and technology strategy consulting services
    Technical solutions consulting services, industry-university-research cooperation consulting, industrial policy analysis and research, park management planning services, entrepreneurship incubation services, science and technology strategy training services, enterprise talent training services

    Science and technology project application service
    Funding project planning services, project application agent services, project feasibility study analysis services, industrial policy training and publicity services, science and technology discovery services, scientific and technological achievements appraisal services, technology trading services

    Key government project services
    National high-tech enterprise certification, intellectual property advantage unit certification, intellectual property demonstration unit certification, national, provincial or municipal engineering technology research center certification, national, provincial or municipal key laboratory preparation start/establishment, national, provincial or municipal enterprise technology center certification, national, provincial or municipal industrial design center certification, national, provincial or municipal science and technology enterprise incubator certification, National, provincial and municipal science and technology Awards